Kia tupu ai ki angitū

Transforming pakihi from grassroots to global

Tupu is a eight-week business accelerator that provides you with the tools, mentorship, and resources to grow.

Huraina tō kurahuna

Tupu is taking ten teams of founders on a journey to transform their pakihi from startup to an investment-ready venture.

Connect with expert mentors and founders

Share and connect with likeminded community at three noho wānanga

Put your ideas into practice as you go

Develop your growth strategy through project based learning

Final showcase with potential investors

Pitch your pakihi to a keen audience of potential investors

Navigate the next stage of business growth

With access to expert mentors, dedicated coaches, and a supportive community of ambitious Māori founders, let Tupu unlock the potential of your pakihi as you gain essential skills in developing scalable business models, enhancing revenue generation strategies, and establishing robust commercial practices.

Dive deep into understanding market demands and customer needs to refine your product’s market fit, optimise your business model for sustainability, and navigate the complexities of investor relations, financial modelling, and persuasive pitching so that your pakihi thrives in the venture capital ecosystem.

E tū Tupuānuku, ko te one paraumu. Ringihia mai rā tō rahi ki te whenua haumako, kia puta ko te ora o Rongo. Koia!

Behold Tipuānuku, of the fertile soil. Spread your plenty across the land, reveal the bounty of Rongo. Indeed!

– Nā Rangi Mātāmua

In partnership with Tapuwae Roa and Sprout Agritech

United through the shared vision of driving Māori entrepreneurship forward, Sprout Agritech and Tapuwae Roa have partnered to deliver Tupu, an innovative business accelerator that is paving the way for pakihi Māori to to grow and become investment-ready, co-funded by Callaghan Innovation.

Key dates and programme outline




Kaupapa Date Location
Applications open 24 February  Online
Applications close 20 March  Online
Panel interviews
for shortlisted teams
10 – 11 April  Online
Mihi whakatau
and Wānanga tuatahi
1 – 3 May  Tāmaki Makaurau
1 x weekly wānanga
1 x weekly coaching
 5 May – 22 June  Online
Wānanga tuarua 29 – 31 May Tāmaki Makaurau
Wānanga tuatoru 24 – 25 June Tāmaki Makaurau
Final Showcase 26 June  Tāmaki Makaurau

Preparing pakihi Māori for global aspirations

The Tupu Accelerator has proven to be a transformative force for Māori entrepreneurship within Aotearoa with a total Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 78.6%*. Recognising the positive influence of the programme on their ventures, many of our former Purapura (founders) believe the programme has significantly advanced their pakihi, providing them with the skills and confidence to scale their operations and elevate their startup to new heights.

*Results from responding Purapura in the 2024 Tapuwae Roa post-programme NPS survey


of participating Purapura believe Tupu has had a positive impact on their pakihi


of participating Purapura believe Tupu was a gamechanger for their pakihi


of participating Purapura believe Tupu exposed key pātai for their pakihi


of participating Purapura would recommend the Tupu Accelerator to other Purapura Māori

“Tupu is just the beginning of my journey, but the lessons and insights I have gained during this course has accelerated this start-up process in a way I could not have imagined”

– Purapura (2024 cohort)

Ō mātou pūkenga | Our coaches

Saara Tawha


Brittany Teei


Ian Musson


James Davis-Sigley


Turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality!

Applications open

Applications are open from 24 February to 20 March 2025

Shortlist Panel Interviews

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present to an online panel between 10 – 11 April 2025

Programme begins

Ten start-up teams will be inducted into the accelerator with the first wānanga on 1 – 3 May 2025

Kawepūrongo | News and updates

Tupu Accelerator returns for 2025! 🚀


We’re excited to announce that applications for the Tupu Accelerator 2025 cohort are officially open!   We are seeking ten ambitious Māori startups to join our intensive eight-week programme to transform your pakihi from a startup [...]