Kia tupu ai ki angitū

Transforming pakihi from grassroots to global

Tupu is a 10-week business accelerator that provides you with the tools, mentorship, and resources to grow. Plus, selected teams will receive a $5,000 start up grant to fuel their growth!

Huraina tō kurahuna

Tupu is taking ten teams of founders on a journey to transform their pakihi from startup to an investment-ready venture.

Connect with expert mentors and founders

Share and connect with likeminded community at four noho wānanga

Put your ideas into practice as you go

Develop your growth strategy through project based learning

Final showcase with potential investors

Pitch your pakihi to a keen audience of potential investors

Navigate the next stage of business growth

With access to expert mentors, dedicated coaches, and a supportive community of ambitious Māori founders, let Tupu unlock the potential of your pakihi as you gain essential skills in:

  • Pitching and financing
  • Solution validation
  • Minimal viable products
  • Sprint workflow and completion

E tū Tupuānuku, ko te one paraumu. Ringihia mai rā tō rahi ki te whenua haumako, kia puta ko te ora o Rongo. Koia!

Behold Tipuānuku, of the fertile soil. Spread your plenty across the land, reveal the bounty of Rongo. Indeed!

– Nā Rangi Mātāmua

In partnership with Tapuwae Roa and Sprout Agritech

United through the shared vision of driving Māori entrepreneurship forward, Sprout Agritech and Tapuwae Roa have partnered to deliver Tupu, an innovative business accelerator that is paving the way for pakihi Māori to to grow and become investment-ready, co-funded by Callaghan Innovation.

Ō mātou pūkenga | Our mentors

Saara Tawha

Amy McLean

Ian Musson

Turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality!

Applications open

Applications are open from 26 February to 25 March 2024.

Selection Panel Wānanga

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present to a selection panel on 5 – 6 April 2024.

Programme begins

Ten start-up teams will be inducted into the accelerator with the first wānanga on 19 – 20 April 2024.

Kawepūrongo | News and updates