Ko wai mātou?

About the Tupu Accelerator

At Tupu, we’re dedicated to shining a spotlight on Māori businesses and propelling them onto the global stage.

Developed in partnership with Tapuwae Roa and Sprout Agritech and co-funded by Callaghan Innovation, Tupu is an eight-week cohort-style programme to accelerate Māori start-ups towards sustainable success, equipping founders with the essential tools, mentorship, and resources to grow their businesses.

Named after Tupuānuku, one of the nine stars of Matariki symbolising growth and cultivation. Growing a start-up requires big aspirations in addition to strong business fundamentals and Tupu’s role is not just to provide training, mentorship, and support, but also to empower Māori entrepreneurs to hold lofty and bold aspirations

Statistics show that nearly 50% of startups in Aotearoa close within the first five years. Tupu aims to change that narrative by not just accelerating growth, but by fostering sustainable success for Māori businesses.

In partnership with Tapuwae Roa and Sprout Agritech

United through the shared vision of driving Māori entrepreneurship forward, Sprout Agritech and Tapuwae Roa have partnered to deliver Tupu, an innovative business accelerator that is paving the way for pakihi Māori to to grow and become investment-ready, co-funded by Callaghan Innovation.

Ō mātou pūkenga | Our coaches

Saara Tawha


Brittany Teei


Ian Musson


James Davis-Sigley


Ō mātou tāngata | Our people

Te Pūoho Kātene

Tapuwae Roa

Chelsea Hirst

Sprout Agritech

Our partners