Ngā Tikanga Whanonga

Tupu Accelerator Code of Conduct

Te Aronga / Purpose

The purpose of the Tupu Accelerator Code of Conduct (the Code) is to set out the terms on which you agree to be involved in the Accelerator. All individuals who participate or engage in the Accelerator process in any role (including founders, mentors, coaches, advisors, presenters, supporters etc.) are expected to comply with the terms and requirements contained in this document.

Horopaki / Background

As part of our Ōhanga workstream, Tupu Accelerator, delivered by Tapuwae Roa in partnership with Sprout Agritech was developed as a business accelerator for Māoriowned startups. The Accelerator will take place over eightweeks, providing Rakahinonga Māori (Māori entrepreneurs) with a pathway to participate in the entrepreneurship community. While being involved in the Accelerator, you will be expected to maintain a high standard of professional conduct, as defined in this document.

Ngā Mātāpono / General principles of conduct

As part of the Tupu Accelerator, you agree to act in accordance with and in fulfilment of the following principles while being involved in the Accelerator. You will:

    1. act in a respectful, responsible manner and uphold the values of tika and pono in all aspects
      of involvement as a part of the Accelerator
    2. express manaakitanga and aroha to fellow members in the Accelerator to create an inclusive,
      mana enhancing space;
    3. embody ngākau tapatahi, act ethically and at all times be committed to the Accelerator;
    4. clearly explain terminology and empower all to ask questions;
    5. actively seek diversity and value alternative or unique points of view;
    6. communicate clearly and transparently when engaging with all;
    7. clearly communicate intentions and expectations;
    8. encourage all to take responsibility for their own actions;
    9. encourage and empower all to make decisions for their startup without external pressures

Whakaaro for Mentors, Coaches & Advisors:

Does my whanonga or the way I’m communicating my whakaaro make Purapura

Are my tūtohutanga being presented in a mana enhancing way?
Am I offering all the awhi I can so that Purapura feel comfortable?
Am I using my pūkenga in a way that is supportive and uplifting?
What responsibility do I have in the tuakana/teina sense?

Ngā Herenga / Obligations

You are expected to meet the following obligations throughout the Accelerator:
  • 10. hold confidentially and maintain any materials related to the Accelerator throughout the period of the course;
  • 11. ask for help and further support if it is needed;
  • 12. comply with any reasonable direction of Tapuwae Roa related to the Accelerator, including but not limited to any of Tapuwae Roa’s health and safety requirements;
  • 13. not engage in bullying, harassment or any other inappropriate or abusive behaviour towards any group or person, in any manner (either virtually or kanohi ki te kanohi);
  • 14. report any instances of bullying, harassment or any other inappropriate or abusive behaviour that comes to your attention to the kaiwhakahaere / director of the Accelerator;

Te Whakawhiti Kōrero / Communication

  • 15. To obtain the best experience possible from the Accelerator, you will be expected to maintain open, honest, and respectful communication at all times.
  • 16. If you have an issue or dispute related to the facilitation of the Accelerator, another member, or employee of the Accelerator, you will bring this to the attention of the kaiwhakahaere / director of the Accelerator as soon as possible. You agree to participate genuinely in remedying this issue or dispute, as set out in clause 27.
  • 17. As an ambassador of this Accelerator, you agree to conduct yourself in a manner that will not bring the Accelerator or Tapuwae Roa into disrepute. This includes representations in media, communications, social media, or personal conduct.
  • 18. While maintaining rights to individual freedom of speech, you will exercise your best judgement by not generating material, including commentary or images, that would be considered inappropriate or harmful by a reasonable person, including content that:
      • (a) Promotes discrimination or discriminatory attitudes towards an individual or group based on age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, belief system or cultural practice;
      • (b) Is threatening, intimidating, menacing, or harassing to an individual or group;
      • (c) Is defamatory or libelous to an individual or group;
      • (d) Breaches Tapuwae Roa’s, or any other individual or group’s, Intellectual Property rights;
      • (e) Is pornographic.

Herenga Mātātupu / Confidentiality obligations

  • 19. You acknowledge and agree to keep confidential and not use, publish, disseminate, share, or discuss with others any business or confidential information of Participants unless express written approval is provided.
    You agree to hold in confidence all sensitive information that is disclosed to or obtained by you in the course of this Accelerator and agree to sign a nondisclosure agreement where required. This includes, but is not limited to, any course work (whether written, recorded or video) generated for this Accelerator, and commercially sensitive information. You will not disclose this information to any other person, or allow it to be
    disclosed, at any time (even after the conclusion of the Accelerator) without the prior written consent of the kaiwhakahaere / director of the Accelerator, except:
      • (f) as is required by law; and
      • (g) information already in the public domain.
  • 20. Any disclosure in violation of clause 17 will be considered a breach of the Code.

Te Tango Whakaahua me ngā Ataata / Photos and videos / Intellectual Property

  • 21. Photos, images and/or videos of the Tupu Accelerator may be taken on any premises or format used in connection with the Accelerator, or during online video classes or sessions of the Accelerator.
  • 22. Any photos, images and/or videos taken by or on behalf of Tapuwae Roa, and any intellectual property (including copyright) in any photos and videos, shall be owned exclusively by Tapuwae Roa. Tapuwae Roa may, in its sole and unfettered discretion, transfer ownership of any intellectual property in any photos or videos, to a third party or grant a licence in respect of any photos, images and/or videos provided that any such transfer of ownership or granting of such licence is in connection with the Accelerator, or any future versions or formats of the Accelerator.
  • 23. You grant, without further permission of Tapuwae Roa being required to be obtained orany claim to royalties, commission, or compensation payable to you, that:
      • a. Photos, images and/or videos of members may be used, replicated, edited, or
        amended by Tapuwae Roa for any purpose in connection with the Accelerator,
        including but not limited to:

      • a) use in publicising, promoting or marketing of the Accelerator, including on any
        website or online media

      • b) use in reports for milestones or funding of the Accelerator; and/or
      • c) use in any educational materials for the current or any future intakes of the
  • 24. Tapuwae Roa shall, acting reasonably but without any further consent required to be obtained from you, have discretion to determine whether any use of photos, images and/or videos of members is, for the purposes of clause 22, in connection with the Accelerator.
  • 25. With the exclusion of clause 22, all intellectual property developed by the parties will remain their separate property whether developed before, during or after the Accelerator and otherwise stated in clause 22. In all cases neither party grants to the other any licence to use, copy or modify any intellectual property of the other.

Te Whakatau Take / Raising concerns

  • 26. If you have any concerns with conduct from the Tupu Accelerator, please bring it to the attention of the kaiwhakahaere / director of the Accelerator; Te Pūoho Katene or the programme delivery lead; Saara Tawha at
  • 27. All disputes related to this Accelerator will attempt to be resolved in good faith and following a mana enhancing process.

Te Whakaunu / Removal from the Accelerator

  • 28. Tapuwae Roa reserves the right to cancel or remove any member from the Accelerator who, in the sole and exclusive opinion of Tapuwae Roa, breaches any of the terms contained in this document.

Wāhi Haumaru / Need to talk?

Callaghan Innovation – Finding the right support for startup founders.
Founder Wellbeing | Callaghan Innovation.

If you need immediate and free assistance from a trained counsellor:

  • Call or text 1737
  • Call 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354),
  • Text HELP (4357) or Call Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828 865)

There are also a list of helplines and other resources available via Mental Health Foundation.